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Our Room


Welcome to Hawkins Music Room where we learn and lead together.  We do this through learning to play, explore, and create with songs, dance, drama, and instruments.  

Mallets and Instruments

We learn to play mallet instruments such as xylophones and ukuleles along with learning to play various percussion instruments. 

Song and Dance

We learn various songs through the process of song and play.  These songs build the imaging system and symbolization process through the synergy of language, song, movement, and interactive play;  thereby, laying the foundation for the building of intelligence.  


Third and Fourth grade students put on a performance each year.  Third graders perform in the Spring while Fourth grade performs in the Winter before the Holiday break.


Third and Fourth graders will learn basic and advanced techniques of how to read and play music with their own recorders.

Hawkins Elementary

8900 Lee Road, Brighton, MI 48116

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